The #1 Scotch Whisky in the world brings you the mobile app that will deliver the full Johnnie Walker experience. Use these experiences to collect miles that can be redeemed for gifts, prizes, concert tickets and much, much more!
To collect miles and keep walking, you can:
1.Use the designated QR code scanner in the app to scan special codes on all Johnnie Walker bottles
2.Use the designated QR code scanner in the app to scan special codes on Johnnie Walker promotional material available in sponsored areas and special events
3.Use Facebook to like and share Johnnie Walker content, as well as check-in at designated areas and events
4.Participate in games within the mobile app
With this app users can track and redeem their miles, as well as get the latest news on special offers, promotions and events on all things Johnnie Walker
Keep Walking. Remember to enjoy Johnnie Walker responsibly.
This application is proudly designed by New Digital Noise and published on behalf of Moët Hennessy Diageo Hong Kong Limited.
Note: This App is best experienced on an iPhone 4, 4S or 5 (iOS 5+) and is supported for iPad. The Keep Walking QR Code scanner can only be supported on devices with a camera. Users are required to connect the app with Facebook to win prizes,{where available}. You must be 18 years of age or above to download this App. This promotion is applicable to Hong Kong only.
世界首屈一指的威士忌 Johnnie Walker帶給你手機程式新體驗。以手機程式儲存里數 (Miles) ,便可以換取禮品、演唱會門券及…更多獎賞和優惠!
用戶可透過以下方法儲存里數 (Miles)
1. 以手機程式內之專用QR Code掃描器,掃描Johnnie Walker瓶上之QR Code
2. 以手機程式內之專用QR Code掃描器,掃描於廣告、宣傳單張及指定酒吧出現的QR Code
3. 以手機程式登入Facebook,於指定酒吧打卡(Check-in) ,或/和分享(share)指定Facebook內容
4. 參與手機程式內之遊戲
用戶同時以手機程式,查閱已儲存里數(Miles) 及即時換領獎賞和優惠
Johnnie Walker手機程式亦帶給你最新活動、優惠及消費情報
本應用程式由New Digital Noise設計及開發,並代表Moët Hennessy Diageo Hong Kong Limited發佈。
備註:此應用程式以iPhone 4, 4S或 5 (IOS5 +)運行效果及體驗為最佳,並支援iPad操作。「KEEP WALKING」掃描QR碼功能只支援內置相機鏡頭的手機型號。用戶須透過登入Facebook並連結此應用程式才可贏取有關活動的奬品。用戶必須年滿18歲或以上才可下載此應用程式。此推廣只適用於香港地區範圍。